
Meeting Place for Swingers

Terms & conditions

TERMS OF USE for the website

This document represents the terms of use, so it's mandatory to read, understand, and accept these terms of use to use Terms of use can be changed at anytime without notice, and the changes to it will be put in use immediately and be applied to all the users.

Users must be at least 18 (eighteen) years old at the moment of registration and must understand and agree to terms of use.

By joining you agree to all that the terms of use contain and agree that you are at least 18 years old, or that you are of the age that is considered the age of majority where the law dictates the age of majority is not 18.

By using you will encounter text, audio, and video materials with explicit sex scenes and other materials intended solely for use and viewing by legal adults.


Forbidden Fruit is a social network that offers its users a set of tools to get in touch with their global community exclusively older than 18.

In our online registration form, we ask you to provide a few information for which accuracy you are solely responsible which is why these data are accessible at any time and can be changed or updated.

Information on your sex and the name on your profile which is visible to other users cannot be changed.

All the non obligatory data you put on your page, you do at your own discretion. We recommend the users stay particularly careful while choosing what to put on their page which especially applies to certain data on the user. explicitly states that any information on the user’s sexual preferences, religion, ethnic background and health, both physical and mental, are not required and are therefore the information the user chooses to do or do not post.

Photographs and video clips that the user posts can reveal certain sensitive information on the user and therefore the user publishes them at their own discretion. Every user of agrees to allow us to edit those photographs and video clips and make them accessible to other users of the web site according to the rights to privacy of a user described in this document.

Access to computer files on a certain user which contain personal information, messages, emails, conversations, and other types of written correspondence, is granted only to certain people who lead and edit the website, and in case of a legal request will be forwarded to the appropriate law enforcement agency. has the right to collect information on the user received from other users to the pertaining to any complaints. Every complaint will be assessed according to the rules of and legal guidelines.


Using the communication lines the website offers, for example electronic messages, users enter into communication at their own discretion. Communication containing threats and insults on a national, religious, political, ethnic, gendered or racial basis is forbidden. automatically monitors any information on the IP address of the user’s device and email address used.


Users of the website can also use the application with a locator service, so by using the application, collects information on the current location of the user.

This data is processed anonymously in a form that does not identify you personally and used only to facilitate the use of certain functions of the application based on geolocation. Location services can be enabled or disabled by the user at any time by going to the settings of your device.


The personal information of our users are used to statistically analyze site usage, to verify law respect, to improve our content and our services, and customize contents and style of the site to your needs.

By making a profile, the users consent to having their personal information collected and used to send them notifications on promotions, events, travels, and similar information that might interest the user. This way, we hope to fulfil our users’ expectations and better our services.

Agreeing to the terms of use, the users agree to occasionally receiving promotional material exclusively to their registration email or SMS and MMS messages exclusively to the numbers of the mobile devices from user database or by private messages directly to their inbox. uses personal information on the users to solve any potential problems in communication and relation to other users in an objective, legal way while holding to the high standards of interpersonal relations set on respect awhile protecting the dignity and the standards of the European legal regulations.

The receiving of mail by is a personal choice so it can be enabled or disabled at any time by the user.


You are not allowed to use any information about other users for commercial purposes, spamming, harassment or threats. reserves the right to terminate the accounts of those who thus use the information relating to other users, or otherwise violate our terms of use.


A password is an identification information of a certain user that enables use of the website and the chosen username. Be careful when revealing your password to a third party. We suggest you choose a password not easily accessible to a third party.

Every user is personally responsible for creating and keeping secret a unique password connected to the chosen profile.

By accessing the site, you agree not to share your password with a third party and, in case of a third party finding out your password, you agree to change it immediately.

Violating the rules of this section might cause you to get involved in legal proceedings against you.

Users, themselves, are solely responsible for the privacy of their own password and bears no responsibility for a third party cracking the password in question.


Every user of the website has the right to change the following personal information:

  1. Your contact email address;

  2. Your profile, photographs, and videos;

  3. Your city, region, and country of residence;

  4. Your password.

Please promptly update your information if it changes by signing-in to your account and following the screen prompts. strongly urges you to periodically change your password to help reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your account information.

Any comments and queries regarding the use of our website will be promptly answered after sending the question to our Helpdesk.


Forbidden Fruit has done the most we can to put the security of our users first. We have implemented security measures to protect and prevent the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. Security measures entail secure servers and files. While we acknowledge that perfect security doesn't exist, our technical team is constantly working on ensuring your safe and secure use of our site. Our legal team is in place to make sure the legal security of our page stays intact.

Forbidden Fruit doesn’t guarantee the availability of its contents and services at any time from any device and/or operating system. All contents and services are published with the best intentions but without any guarantee of accuracy or functionality. Forbidden Fruit does not bear any responsibility for direct or indirect damages created by using the contents and services the site offers.


Trial membership is intended for the user to get familiar with the features of the FF web portal. After the trial period is over, the user has no further right to a new trial period and is not allowed to make a new profile for this purpose. In case of violation of this rule, FF reserves the right do convert the membership status of such user from trial to basic, or the right so suspend such an account, if the misuse is repeated or intentional.


You must access our site of your own free will and so you can leave it the same way.

To leave the site, you need to:

  1. Send a message to our helpdesk;

  2. Sign in with your password and delete your profile.

PROTECTION OF THE INTELECTUAL PROPRETY OF owns the name and logo, so any use of either is forbidden and legally punishable. contains copyrighted material that can’t be copied, changed, sent, distributed, shown, and sold without explicit written permission.

The users are individually, personally, responsible for any content they publish, including the content completely or partially available to other users as well as the content given to one or more users. Agreeing to terms of use, the users agree to hold personal responsibility for any content they distribute through


  • Publishing of any and all content illegal by domestic, European or international laws and regulations, such as racist, offensive, threatening or paedophilic content or content that in any way shows children or minors.

  • Publishing content protected by copyright

  • Identity theft

  • Publishing the personal information of a third party

  • False representation and taking the name of a third party

  • Publishing of promotional content without prior written permission by Forbidden Fruit

  • Conscious sending of content containing viruses or code that in any way destroys, limits, or harms the functionality of hardware, software or data.

  • Public publishing of information that can validate yours or the identity of a third party (name and surname, email or postal address, phone number, addresses and names of your profiles on social networks, your user data on other communication services - Skype, etc.) without prior written permission by Forbidden Fruit.

Prohibited content includes, but is not limited to:

Child Pornography (anyone under the age of 18)

Forced / Non-Consensual Sexual Activity

Oral, anal or vaginal penetration by sex organs, objects (dildo, strap-on,etc.) or fingers and includes wording or actions indicating lack of consent: rape, force, asleep, drugged, passed/blacked out, chloroformed, unconscious,hypnotized, drunk, intoxicated, inebriated, drugged, stoned sex, etc.

Someone who is drunk, sleeping, hypnotised, etc. cannot give consent, and is therefore classified as a violation.

This includes alcohol and drugs – no display of any kind of alcohol or drugs may be present, including cans of beer, glasses of champagne, joints, bongs, etc.

Any act which involves the covering of the face, such as facesitting, choking, and breathplay, due to the perceived inability to breathe.


This includes content depicting or describing sex with animals, and acts with non-human creatures (aliens,mythological creatures, etc.).

Hate Crimes

Violence, or extreme sexual violence and/or Pain. This includes weapons of any kind.

Mutilation of a person or body part.

Blood of any kind.

Scat, depicting or displaying human feces


Images or clips including anyone who has not provided consent. This includes people who are not fully visible, such as those whose faces are not visible because they are turned around or blurred out. Blurring images/clips is not allowed in this case.

Forbidden Fruit monitors daily all published content by users.

Forbidden Fruit has the right to partially or completely delete content published by the user, without first notifying the user and for whatever reason, and starting the appropriate legal proceedings against the user who broke the terms of use.

In the description of your personal profile, speed dates, travel plans, photos or elsewhere (except in private messages) you are not allowed to:

- write email addresses

- phone numbers

- or contacts for other forms of communication (profile addresses on social networks, other communication platforms e.g. Skype, Viber and similar).

- write and invite other profiles to view validations on a third profile.

Such posts will be automatically deleted, the user will be warned, and if he repeats such behaviour the profile can be sanctioned by Forbidden Fruit without warning.

Forbidden Fruit is made for users who respect the principles of legal behaviour.

Business profiles and ads could have external links, but if their content is in violation of our terms and conditions (any prohibited content/violations), the links will immediately be removed from website.


All complaints are handled fairly, consistently and wherever possible resolved to the complainant's satisfaction, you can file a complaint by contacting us via our contact form, or


Should you come across any content on our website that you believe is illegal or non-consensual, we urge you to promptly notify our Customer Support Department by sending a report to the email:

We are committed to addressing and resolving complaints concerning illegal or non-consensual content within a maximum of 1 business day. Upon receipt of your complaint, an assigned Customer Support Manager will acknowledge it, conduct an investigation, and ensure the removal of any illegal or non-consensual content within the specified timeframe. To maintain records and for reporting purposes, all complaints will be logged.


If you are featured on any content on our website without your consent, you have the right to

request the removal of such material. To initiate this process, please send an email to the address: Include all the essential details required to identify the specific content in question, such as the URL where it can be found. After receiving your appeal, our dedicated department will carefully assess whether the necessary consent was obtained for the content in question. Should it become evident that the content was uploaded without the consent of the individual depicted, we will promptly and permanently remove the material from the website. Your satisfaction and privacy are of utmost importance to us.


If you find yourself unhappy with our services or have any questions related to your account or activities with us, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Support Department through email: Our dedicated Customer Support team will assess whether they can promptly address your inquiry. Should your inquiry require more time or attention, please rest assured that we are fully committed to handling and resolving it promptly. Please be aware that these general complaints may require up to 7 business days for resolution.


Our services include a free trial period, allowing you to explore our offerings. Here's what you need to know about refunds:

  • Free Trial: Enjoy our services during the trial with no obligation. Cancel anytime before the trial ends without any charges.

  • No Refunds After Purchase: Once you purchase a premium membership following the trial, the payment is final and non-refundable.

  • Cancellation: You may cancel your premium membership at any time, but no refunds will be issued for any remaining period.

Forbidden Fruit is registered trademark by FFRUIT d.o.o. company, registered in Croatia, Europe. Our business and activities are under the law of Croatia.



We are Running the Most Engaging Adult Social Network Most of our members visit Forbidden Fruit on daily basis and spend a great deal of their time here. Joining us means having fun with us!
Fun People. No Jerks. Almost. Our members are fun people to date or party with. Or just to have a chat or to share photos. We are trying to keep the number of trolls and other jerks as low as possible.
We Care about Forbidden Fruit. We Care about You. We work on Forbidden Fruit regularly to make it better, safer and more exciting place. It’s definitely not one of those ghost sites no one cares for.
Warning: This website provides adult content. By clicking “Join Now” button you confim you are 18+ of age and that it is legal to view adult content in your community.


a Fruit

Connect with couples, look for the next hot party or choose your next holiday.
Already a Member. Warning: This website provides adult content. By clicking “Join Now” button you confim you are 18+ of age and that it is legal to view adult content in your community.
Do you run a club, SPA or other swinger related business? Reach out to our 30,000+ members community! Create a Business Account