The Meeting Place for Swingers
Connect with couples, look for the next hot party or choose your next holiday.
Warning: This website provides adult content. By clicking “Join Now” button you confim you are 18+ of age and that it is legal to view adult content in your community.
Warning: This website provides adult content. By clicking “Join Now” button you confim you are 18+ of age and that it is legal to view adult content in your community.
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50,000+ Members Registered
15,000+ Speed Dates per Year
30+ Photo and Video Contests per Year
20,000+ Photos and Videos
We are Running the Most Engaging Adult Social Network Most of our members visit Forbidden Fruit on daily basis and spend a great deal of their time here. Joining us means having fun with us!
Fun People. No Jerks. Almost. Our members are fun people to date or party with. Or just to have a chat or to share photos. We are trying to keep the number of trolls and other jerks as low as possible.
We Care about Forbidden Fruit. We Care about You. We work on Forbidden Fruit regularly to make it better, safer and more exciting place. It’s definitely not one of those ghost sites no one cares for.

Warning: This website provides adult content. By clicking “Join Now” button you confim you are 18+ of age and that it is legal to view adult content in your community.